Pubg mobile has updated their game with a most waited map named “livik” which brought up in the 0190 update this update is full of new things, such as new weapons, vehicles, and many more. Pubg mobile item locations. How to mark the supply item location in pubg mobile? to mark a supply item's location like a gun, helmet, or more, simply aim at the supply item you want to share then, click on the 'quick chat' button on your right side of the screen once the 'quick chat' opens, click on the 'i have' to share the supply item's location with your squad how.
pubg mobile item locations
Very good: an item that is used but still in very good condition no damage to the jewel case or item cover, no scuffs, scratches, cracks, or holes the cover art and liner notes are included the vhs or dvd box is included the video game instructions and box are included the teeth of disk holder are undamaged minimal wear on the exterior of. Unofficial playerunknown's battlegrounds interactive maps. datamined vehicle, boat, loot, weapon spawn locations.. About battlegrounds. playerunknown's battlegrounds (pubg) is a competitive survival shooter formally developed/published by bluehole.pubg is now being developed by pubg corp, a bluehole subsidiary company in cooperation with brendan greene (playerunknown) as the creative director, pubg is greene's first standalone game.. players are dropped into a wide, open area, and they must fight to the.